
Top 5 Employee Retention Strategy in the US for 2022

January 6, 2022 0 Comments

Have you ever wondered why several employees from your organization have been leaving?

What has been compelling them to leave and join a different company?

Have you ever thought about the strategies to help retain your employees?

If your answer is No, then it’s high time for you to focus on the improved strategies to retain the employees of your organization. Most businesses in the US hire Recruitment companies for procuring employees for their organizations. 

However, at present, companies are experiencing mass resignation. Mass resignation can be a serious blow for your company. It is a reality and tends to hit every company across the world. The Great Resignation has been persistent in every country for a relatively long time. As per the data shared by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, job quit has hit a new record of about 3% in September 2021. The labor market is in constant turmoil as of now, which has witnessed mass resignation 

Why do Employees Quit your company?

Understanding why people have been leaving comes with hiring suitable candidates for the job roles.

The main reason why the top talents of your company often leave is the lack of opportunities added with other factors like company culture persistent in an organization. The unchanged scenario for a long time span compels employees to resign and look for better career opportunities that enable growth. The employees generally specify one or more reasons for leaving the job.

1. Lack of Career Development and Growth

2. Inadequate Salary 

3. Limited Employee Benefits

4. Imbalance of work and personal life 

5. Better Opportunities in other Organizations

6. Excessive Work Pressure 

7. Lack of Appreciation and Recognition

Major Employee Retention Strategies

Your employees are the key factor that helps your company create all the economic values. Hence, employees are the most valuable part of any company. Ensure that your organization takes all the necessary strategies to make a great work so that your business doesn’t suffer from mas resignation. The Job agencies in the US market make sure that the companies offer their employees the necessary environment and efforts to retain them in the job. 

1. Cultivate a Good Work Environment

A healthy work environment is an utmost crucial aspect for any employee. To deliver their best productivity, ensure that the place is suitable for work. The offices should not just have comfortable furniture but also great amenities. However, the most impactful part is the office environment. Make sure that the environment is optimistic and accepting. While healthy competition and challenges are much appreciated, but toxic work environment that cultivates negativity is seriously harmful to employees.

Companies that are into creative fields tend to suffer more if the employees cannot present their creative ideas or are constantly dominated and rejected. Hence, companies should focus on healthy work culture and environment of the workplace.

2. Professional Development and Training

Professional Development is exceptionally crucial in the present world. 75% of employers demand candidates with upgraded skills. However, most of the candidates are not upskilled enough to fill suitable job positions. Hence, it becomes challenging for recruitment companies in the US to seek candidates with such skills that will match the job role.

In a survey conducted by Linkedin, 94% of the employees have reported that if the companies they have been working for invested in their professional growth and development, they would have stayed. As a result, most companies have started offering training and other developmental programs to enhance employee skills. Create a consumer-friendly learning portal to deliver educational content or initiate in-house training courses as per the employee’s interest. 

3. Provide Employee Benefits

Offering extra benefits and perks to the employees make your work stand out. It not only attracts new hires but also motivates the existing employees. Employee perks can be anything other than the salary offered. These benefits range from pick up and drop facilities, incentives to insurance benefits, and flexible work schedules. Providing wellness care facilities in this pandemic-driven world is an added beneficiary to show support that the company cares for and prioritizes employee health.

Every individual professional desire and expects some added perks apart from the offered salary, and providing these amenities to them definitely steals the deal. As a company director or recruiter, ensure that your company provides some benefits to your employees. The added perks along with the salary package are crucial in attracting new and retaining employees. 

4. Workload Balance

Balancing work life and personal life is quintessential for job satisfaction. Every individual has a life after work. Employees expect their managers to understand that. You might find many professionals showing dissatisfaction with the fact that they have to work late most days or bring work at home, which impacts their personal lives. In the present pandemic era, the US job agencies find most professionals complaining about exceeding working hours as they have struggled with proper time management in the work-from-home scenario. As a result, employees have been quitting their jobs and seeking new opportunities. Therefore, balancing work life has been essential in employee job satisfaction. 

As a manager or a team lead, ensure that your employees get the break they deserve and encourage them to abide by the working hours. Doing extra shifts impacts mental health and affects productivity. Hence, take the necessary strategy to maintain the work schedule for the employees. 

5. Appreciate and Recognize Employee Work

How often do your team members get appreciation?

Do your employees receive the Recognition they deserve for their work?

Appreciation and Recognition are the most crucial strategies for employee retention. Recognizing an employee’s work or teamwork will help them feel appreciated, enhance their self-confidence, and motivate them. While verbal appreciation during team meetings is highly commendable, make sure to provide your employees with certificates or gifts to recognize the great work they have done. This will motivate them to work hard and stay in the company for a long period. Additionally, it will inspire other employees and push them to do better in their job roles.


According to a recent Glassdoor survey, 45% of employees left their jobs for low salaries with no or limited employee benefits. While other factors like lack of appreciation, poor work-life balance, and better job opportunities also contribute to employee resignation. Every business experiences employee retention issues at one point in time or another. The recruitment agencies in the US face major challenges with the recruitment process because of these issues. Companies should implement effective retention strategies to avoid the entire recruiting cost continuously.